Pediatric Nutrition
Children are meant to be happy, healthy, and thriving.The power to achieve this starts with what’s on their plate.
Does your child suffer from digestive upset, allergies, rashes, ear infections, constant and prolonged illness? Does your child have wild mood swings, difficulty concentrating, or any other behavioral imbalances? We can help! Believe it or not, food plays a large role in your child’s behavior.
We have been led to believe that there is such a thing as “kid food”
Unfortunately our children have been hit the hardest by the food industry. We have been led to believe that children have a very narrow palate and will only eat foods that come in special shapes, bright unnatural colors, and only two flavors: salty and sweet.
The truth is children’s taste buds start developing at birth. The foods they are exposed to have a great impact on them. Sugar and starch, the main staples of the American child’s diet, are highly addictive. The more you feed your children this, the more they will crave it and lose their taste for healthy whole foods.
Due to our current childhood diet, children have massive gaps in their nutrition. They simply are not getting the nutrients they need to grow and sustain their rapidly developing bodies and brains.
The good news is that kids adapt easily, and the power is always in our hands. Here at From the Ground Up Nutrition we believe that every child should be eating a whole foods diet. We believe it is vital to support their growing bodies with all the nutrients nature intended. Providing them with nutrient dense foods allows our children to flourish physically, mentally, and emotionally.
We have all heard that all childhood chronic illnesses are on the rise. However, children’s bodies have an amazing capacity to heal themselves. Here at From the Ground Up Nutrition we can help.
We Specialize in:
Gastrointestinal issues
Type 2 Diabetes
And All around nutrition improvement
Behavioral Issues
It all starts in your kitchen.
Here at From the Ground Up Nutrition we can help. We will develop a nutrition plan that is catered to your child’s needs, sharing recipes and “tricks” to add nutrient-dense superfoods to your child’s diet, and together we’ll watch their behavior and overall health transform.